My Mideast Punchlines: monsters in the making…

A declassified document from the United States Government Accountability Office says that schools in Palestinian Authority areas run by UNWRA have an anti-Israel bias, bordering on incitement to violence.

The report was published in 2018 and made available this week to the public after two congress members called for its release.

Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) and Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-NY) requested the full report of “West Bank and Gaza: State Monitors Textbook Content but Should Improve Its Reporting to Congress GAO-18-227C: Published: April 26, 2018.” The congressmen commented on the report’s contents in a press release Thursday.

Maths problems found in textbooks were also found to be “problematic” and “not aligned with UN values.” The report explained, “a specific math problem using the number of Palestinian casualties in the first and second intifadas (uprisings) was clearly objectionable.”

“It is unacceptable that the textbooks that are used delegitimise Israel and demonize the Jewish people, it is unacceptable that this program attempts to ingrain this hatred in the hearts of children,” Rep. Zeldin stated. “American’s hard earned money went towards its funding and it is unacceptable that the State Department lied to Congress about these very realities.”

biffWhat, the State Department lie to Congress? Perish the thought. As  with Boko Haram, ISIS and the like, the PA’s mantra is: give me the heart and mind of a child and I will create a monster.

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